This is a very special dedication for a very special friend.

They say when you are surrounded in darkness, you don’t see a way out. You need help for real that is when God sends an angel in form of a human who becomes your friend and pull you out of darkness. I truly believe that with all my heart as that’s how I got my angel, my mentor, my genuine friend who for real makes me believe I am truly blessed. He came in my life as a stranger, turned into someone I know. He is extremely sweet person never forgot to wish me good luck and prayer for my blogs, health, etc,. Fast forward to the time when things weren’t right, all I could see was darkness and hopelessness, he turned into a light, a hope and he turned into someone I could call my friend and not just a friend, a special friend I could trust blindly and pour my heart to. 
He has always been that one person who stayed with me, helped me get out of whatever I was feeling or going through, heard every single cry/whine/worry of mine be it for the first or millionth time. Never gave up on me even when I was freakishly annoying, cranky, moody, not at all the sweet heart-caring-and-loving-girl I usually am. He always made sure I get through my bad phase without being alone, most importantly without losing myself and coming out a lot stronger than before topped with have a more firm believe in myself that I can get through anything that comes my way. What makes him even more special is that he is so humble and down-to-earth that he would never admit that he ever did any of this for me, ever. Sarcastic at times but super sweet, loving and caring. One of those very few people I found who still have their humanity intact. A very dedicated person, be it work, friendships, relationships or anything, this man gives more than 100%. Workaholic but very professional. A truly inspiring personality.
I have never met him in person. Our friendship started through "BIGO" apps (Thanks to BIGO apps). It's really tough to find true friends through any apps but he is that one friend I truly feel honoured to have. I really don’t know what I did to deserve such a gem of a person like him as my friend.
Happy birthday to the man who made me believe that there is always a silver lining behind every dark cloud. Even when you are surrounded by dark clouds, a silver lining is always there. All you have to do is look closely. :)                           
 Happy Birthday Azen :) Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for all those encouragements, motivations, guidance, cheering up, smiles, and everything. :) I wish and pray that may all the years, days, hours, moments ahead of you have so much joy, happiness and peace in store, that when you count your blessings, you could not wish for anymore. May your life be full of colours and all shades of happiness and joy. May pain never touch you. May you be protected from any harm that comes your way. May all that you wish, dream becomes yours in no time. May you be blessed infinitely both in this world and here after.

Always stay happy because you deserve it! 
 P.S: Azen if you read this, I mean every word. And I am sorry if I said something you didn’t like. But it all came out naturally. Stay blessed, happy and successful always. Keep shining that awesome smile :D


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