"Materialism is an Identity Crisis"

People say that money makes the world go round. Money is everything in this fast paced world. We have to pay for everything, even using toilet. The side effect however is that people are becoming more materialistic more concerned with making money and what money can buy. But how much money is enough? Is it ever enough? To some, it will never be enough. In my opinion, I truly believe that this statement is true and that people are becoming more materialistic in nature. In this Blog, I will talk about how money can steal human nature a bit by a bit. How money can changed us in every aspects of life.  

Each person is affected by materialism to some extent in this day and age because hedonism is becoming an uprising trend. The people of today has been programmed to make a lot of money to wreak their desires to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle today. For example, people spend their hard earned money on material objects like expensive Cars, Coach handbags, expensive gadgets like Iphones and Tablet and so on which in my opinion is a waste of money when regular goods may prove to be good enough. This happen because human have the urge to show off their belonging. Therefore, while individuals become more focussed on their pursuit of material wealth and improving their standard of living, they may forget that what matters most in life is their family. They forgot to spent quality time with their family and this can create a major family crisis. Family crisis is not what we want in present time. Family should stay together to face this harsh world. 
Beside that, materialism also can affects our spiritual and moral beliefs. This is due to the fact people who are materialistic may facing a moral decline. We may commit crime to satisfy our need. In fact, the crime rate is increasing because criminals these days have such a briliance brains to developed many ways to gain more money from society. Example that we can see is bank robbery, snatch thefts, burglaries, kidnapping for ransom, credit card fraud, internet banking hacking and others that are driven by materialistic criminals. Hence, when people lose sight about what's right and wrong, believe me this world would not be a happy place for our children to live

 In a nutshell, materialism is a common trends in the 21st century as more people are working hard to afford things beyond their reach. Some would find materialism is the way for our economy to boost up but some still believe that materialism some day can collapse a nation. In my opinion, I still firmly believe that materialism have both positive and negative effects to our live, society, state and our country. It is up to us whether to control our spending or not. Our government can encourage society to be less wasteful in spending by running campaigns such as ‘Consumer Awareness’ and ‘Buy Indian Made Products’ in order to educate our younger generation for the prosperity of our nation. 


  1. Err is not in wealth but err is certain way to earn those wealth. Err is not in earned wealth but err is when head is over those wealth...

  2. well knit and aptly worded piece, Kudos :)

  3. Also loving the new look of BLOG :)


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