Firstly, thanks all my Readers for showing up on my blog. Cheerio for 33rd blogpost🍻 and HAPPY 31st STATEHOOD DAY!!

Well, I started blogging since 2015 and I think 33 blog post is quit appreciable for a blogger like me.

So, my first blog post "THE MAIN THING I LEARNED IN MY LIFE". A short verse blog. Wel, if you still didn't check my first blog than, here is the link- http://nuturtechi.blogspot.in/2015/03/main-thing-i-learned-in-my-life.html?m=1

In life we have our shares of ups & downs. We meet people from different culture & backgrounds, we like some and we dislike some.  It is not possible to please everyone all the time, some people may not get along well with us & we got to accept that.

I've met a lot of people in the last few years, people from different backgrounds, religion & countries. Even though we are different, there is one thing which is present in every individual i've met over the period of years. No matter how strong or straight forward a person is, even after claiming themselves to be strong & different from others - there is still some bit of emotion which breaks them and makes them a little helpless at times. I think "emotions" are something no one can run away from.

In the past 3 months my life has changed completely - From the feeling of helplessness its switched to a feeling of awesomeness. Yes finally i've started working and I am enjoying every bit of my work, feels like I'm blessed, Praise the Lord!!

The only thing I miss the most is college life and I guess, those days will be the most cherished days of my life.

Right now the only plan is to learn, earn & step up slowly, try to make myself better & perfect each day and take everyday as a challenges.

I think everything happens for a reason, we go through bad times which help us in our endeavours in life. Time heals everything, I guess, I believe the same happened with me.

In life we come across many people, some stay, some leave, some become our best buddies and some share such a relationship that they become a part of your family and life. There are some people who would want to bring you down, people who can’t see others happy or succeeding in their life, these are people who are not aware of the happenings around them and even if they are aware of things happening around them, they chose to behave ignorant and try to ignore everything and everyone around. All they care about is themselves and how they can do better and succeed in life, every step that you take towards perfection they will try to bring you down and try to act as a friend, even though they would exactly be the opposite.

A lot of people will claim to be your friends talk with you in sugar coated words and the moment you are out of their sight they will talk everything against you or as we say become back stabbers, these are people who are not worth your trust nor your friendship. A lot of times it will happen that, people whom you hurt the most will be the ones who would come to be with you when you need someone the most.

Many a times it so happens we don’t care about people around us, we only realise their worth when they leave. It is difficult to predict a person’s future action, every individual needs special care and attention, if they don’t get it, they would slowly move away from you to a better place, to a better someone to a better world where there would be people who would appreciate them, love them and care for them.

Every individual needs love and affection, if a person says he/she doesn’t need it, it is a mere lie. In life we go through a lot of ups and downs, that is how we learn, work on our mistakes and improve. We din’t learn to walk in one go, we went through different stages, we fell down, got hurt, but at the end of the day we did learn to walk.

In life we need to balance ourselves the same way, if there is a problem there would be a solution as well, there is no problem which can’t be solved, everything has a reason behind it and the reason we go through these ups and downs is to balance our life, to learn how to handle situations, to know how and when to react to a particular situation. Life would be boring without any challenges, it would not have been worth willing if we didn’t have to fight for something.

A little child is always present in each one of us, a person no matter how old he/she grows, the child always remains in there and it does come out at times and no other feeling is better than being a little child, living life without having to think about the responsibilities, expectations and duties that we have .

Life is too short, express yourself to people you love, live life as it comes, you never know “IF TOMORROW NEVER COMES” things which are inside you will always be buried deep inside, let the people around you know what they mean to you and how much they are worth and how life without them would be incomplete and boring.


  1. I love the way you look at things and express them with such level of correctness, you are WonderFuel!

    1. Thanks kapss☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️


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