I was having a conversation with a friend of mine, about the notion of being a shitty human. This seems to be a conversation I have a lot – I’m probably getting really goddamn philosophical in my age. As expected, we reached the conclusion that there’s a grey area when it comes to these things, which is an excellent cop-out if you ever want to end any sort of meaningful discussion, and go back to drinking Tea/coffee.
However, after mulling over this for a few days, I’ve made a decision – and this is a naive opinion, I would hardly count the nonsensical musings of a cynical/optimistic twenty-something-year-old as anything more than exactly that. I’ve decided that it’s not just a giant elephant-ass-coloured wrinkly, grey space in time. It is black or white, and gosh-tooting-darn, I will be unsophisticated enough to say that.
Based on my few years of adult life, I’ve surmised that the difference is due to two things – knowledge and ignorance. Which is my grandiose way of saying:
  1. If you’re being shitty in a way that can hurt someone, including yourself, and KNOW that you’re doing something shitty, then you are thusly a shitty person because you are in full knowledge of what the shit your shitty self is doing. Of course, there are exceptions, but as I get older, these seem to cease to exist at an alarmingly rapid pace.
  2. If you’re being ignorant about something that results in you behaving like a shitty human, have a bright and wonderful opportunity to change that, and refuse to do so – shitty person! You had your chance, you blew it. Out of sight, out of mind. Shut your mouth I just can’t take it, again and again and again and again and agaaaiiinnn

Sorry I got distracted with that last bit😜.
Basically, I’m not saying that shitty people remain shitty people or good people don’t make mistakes/preserve their status as the brightest piece of platinum waste left on the arsehole of the last angel ever created. I honestly just think that I don’t get the privilege of calling myself a good person who made a mistake and if I have knowingly behaved like garbage than I apologise to all.
So, it's the end of my blog about being shitty human. Anyway... Dear Readers, Be solitaire, be warm. You are lunar eclipse, you are falcon! You can even be someone’s silver lining. STAY BLESSED!!


  1. ahhaaa another great piece.
    witty, funny and hard hitting

  2. Thanks kaps����������������


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