"Words from river Dikrong"
Finally after a boring days, nothing is more refreshing than a quiet sitting along the bank of the river Dikrong. The sight of the river seems to have a peculiarly peaceful effect upon my minds. Every sight and sound inspires a spirit of rest and peacefulness for my blog.
What a delightful time I had on the riverside! Walking along the bank of the river Dikrong, I enjoyed the rippling surface of the water, the birds singing their delightful notes in the trees. I saw a herd of people swimming across the river. How delightful it was to see a small boy of about twelve years of age, sitting on the last of riverside. It charmed me beyond measure. The lovely bushes growing all round, the tall trees waving their branches.
What a relief it was to escape from the noise and bustle of the city, the smoke of the factories, the hooting of motor cars, the shouts of hawkers and the cries and shouts of men and women. Here nature was quiet.
I enjoyed especially the beauty of sunset over the river. The spectacle presented by the setting sun as it sinks beneath the surface of the river, is one of the greatest charms of an evening sitting by the riverside. The clouds in the western horizon are lit up with a thousand brilliant colours. But even in a cloudless sky, when the broad sun is sinking down, the spectacle presented to the eye is full of majesty and calm beauty. For some time after the sun has set, the sky is filled with thousands of delicate tints which charm the eye and please the heart. Then the stars begin to appear and day finally gives place to night.
I returned full of impressions, rich and vivid, gathered from the river Dikrong. I realized how glorious were the beauties of nature and how rich her delights.
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