This is Me.

Words are my gold. I read many of them. I write them daily. I think them way too much. When you speak, I listen closely to the ones you choose. And if you ask me what I think in a respectful way, I will have plenty of them to share.

I am all about self-growth and the pursuit of greatness. I am also a recovering nice girl and perfectionist. Once a rule follower and people pleaser until I realized this way of living got me to all the places I most certainly did not want to be.

Ask my bathroom, as on its floor I experienced my rock bottom moment wondering if we were all just scared children faking it. Is anyone truly an adult, living an empowered life? If the answer was no, I decided I would be the first to figure it out…

And in the journey from that moment is all that I’ve become today and my path for the foreseeable future.

My purpose, my “why” is this: to help awaken women to their own power and their own potential to live an intentional, actualized life that is big and bold and full of their own definition of greatness. No second guessing, no asking permission, no pleasing and pretending and playing nice. Just learning how to be real, how to want what you want and how to go after it without apology while still being a woman.


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