It's about to be 2:00 am in the morning.

If I could make a guess, probably about 96% of people that I know are currently enjoying their sleep right now, 3.5% of them are trying their very best to be able to sleep and only 0.5% of them are totally awake (of course those people who stay in the different time zone no count, because it's probably noon time out there!)

And here I am, writing this post.

If you think I drank too much coffee today and couldn't sleep, that's why I wrote this blog than you are absolutely wrong! I don't like coffee.

Today was actually quite a long and tiring day for me. 2 bottle drops of ORS and few injections because for not maintaining my diets (All credit goes to Momo's 👏😌). And in fact about 28 mins ago I almost fell asleep, but I force myself to wake up and write this post. WHY?
The answer is this word called "SELF-DISCIPLINE".

1 and half years ago when I first publish my post, I promised to myself that no matter how busy or tired I am, I MUST make sure that I keep writing my blog every week. It is important for me because I know if I don't force myself and have this self-discipline soon there will be no more "Nutur's Blog"

What is self-discipline?
Self-discipline is the ability to get yourself to do what you are supposed to do even if you don't feel like doing it. To be able to continually taking action regardless of your emotional state.

If you want to achieve great success in life, this is one the most important factor that you need to have.

So how to build self-discipline ?
I can give you this analogy. Self-discipline is like a muscle. The more you train it, the stronger you become. The less you train it, the weaker you become. And just as everyone has different muscular strength, we all possess different levels of self-discipline. If you want to have a six pack, you have to do more and more crunches every day. You should be prepared not to stay within your comfort zone, because you know that every time you feel tired and about to give up, is that extra push that you gave that build your muscle.

Start with a small step and you will begin to see the difference.

I challenge you to make small changes in your routine daily, train yourself to be in control of your actions, have self-discipline ! and I can guarantee you that it will dramatically change your life forever.     


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